Some Factors affecting the Farmers’ Post - harvest Treatment Knowledge in Wady Zabied – Hodaidah Province (Yemen)

Abstract in English

The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge of farmers on postharvest treatment in al-Hussainiah district, in order to determine the factors affecting this knowledge. A pre-test questionnaire used for data collection during January 2002 when 50 framers (35% of population) were interviewed. Frequencies, percentage Pearsonian correlation were used for data presentation and analysis. The result could be summarized as following: The degree of knowledge of farmers about the post-harvest processing was weak. There were significant differences (p<0.01) between the degree of knowledge of farmers about post-harvest processing and the following factors: age, social status, agricultural experience, size of agricultural land used, other occupation, percentage of agricultural reliance, extension agent in area, number of extension agent visits to farmers, source of information, perceptive production problems, and training needs in agricultural marketing. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the degree of knowledge of farmers about post-harvest processing and educational status.

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