Study of polymorphism of two Rotiferan species in Mzareeb Lake

Abstract in English

Rotifers considered as one of the important zooplankton in the ecological system of fresh water lakes. It’s an essential food for many species of fish. So, it’s important to be available all over the year with enough abundance. In the predator presence, polymorphism is considered an effective way for the species protection. For that reason, one spine or more of the studied species (Keratella cochlearis, Brachionus calyciflorus) are being built at the same time where the predator (Asplanchna priodonata or different species of crustaceans) are in the lake. These spines usually disappear during the predator absence. This study also reveals that there is no clear role for the temperature or abiotic factors in the polymorphism operation.

References used

Gilbert, J. John and Waage, K. Jonathan; 1967, Asplanchna, Asplanchnasubstance, and Posterolateral spine length variation of the Rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus in a Natural Environment. Ecology 48(6): 1027- 1031
Gilbert, J. John; 1980, Further observations on developmental polymorphism and its evolution in the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus. Freshwater Biology 10:281-294
Irena Bielanska-Grajner; 1995, Influence of temperature on morphological variation in populations of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) in Rybnik Reservoir. Hydrobiologia 313/314:139-146
