The Role of Some Home Preparation in Reducing of Methomyl Residues in Cucumber Fruits

Abstract in English

The cucumber plants grown in field were sprayed with methomyl at dose (60-g a.i./100 liter water).The objectives of this work were to study role of somehome Preparation (washing and peeling) in elimination of methomyl residues from contaminated cucumber fruits. The washing processes caused removal of residues methomyl from contaminated cucumber fruits that collected at intervals: 1,3 days after one application by percent loss reached: 72,60 %, respectively. The percent loss reached: 37.7, 45.8 % in cucumber fruits that collected at intervals: 0, 2 days, respectively after two applications. The peeling processes caused removal of residues methomyl from cucumber fruits that collected at intervals: 0, 3 days after one application by percent loss reached: 58.75, 57.14 %, respectively. and in cucumber fruits that collected at intervals : 0, 2 and 3 days after two applications ,the percent loss was: 55, 62.7 and 34.6 %, respectively.

References used

Ahmed, M.T and Ismail, S.M.M. 1995. Residues of methomyl in strawberries, tomatoes and cucumbers. Pestic. Sci, 44:197-199
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IPCS.1996.Environmental health criteria 178; methomyl, Geneva, World Health Organization
