Compatibility of Some Peach varieties with Wild Peach Rootstock

Abstract in English

The compatibility between the varieties and the percentage of budding success and the vigor and vegetative growth of these varieties were studied. The plants growth was monitored and all the required readings were taken from the beginning of budding at the end of summer until the end of the next growth season.

References used

(Aleev, B.N. 1988. SADOVODSTVO e VENOGRADARSTVO. N7. str. 27-28. Moscow. (Original text in Russian
Blazic, M. & Jazbec M. 1996. Horticultural Abstracts
Hartmann, H.T. & Kester D.E. 1983. Plant Propagation-Principles and practices. 4th edition, Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, Newgersey, U.S.A., 610 pages
