Agricultural Policies For Tomatoes In Syria by Using Policy Analysis Matrix ( PAM)

Abstract in English

Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) is a modern method to analyze the polices, it is important to check the net effects of interferences government polices in all commodities affluence steps. This helps in measuring the efficiency of these polices, for achieving the main objectives, and to evaluate their effects on the producers, consumers, and the whole economy. Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) depends on the farm budget, that based on returns and costs, these cost divided to tradable inputs and domestic resources. The analysis studied two kind of tomatoes farming system, open summer tomatoes in Dara’a Directorate, and tomatoes under plastic houses in Tortuous Directorate.

References used

E conomic and Social Commission for Western Asia,"Evaluation of Agricultural Policies in Syrian Arab Republic, Policy Analysis Matrix Approach",United Nation, New York , 1995
Scott Pearson,Carl Gotsch,Sjaiful Bahri, Applications of the Policy Analysis Matrix in Indonesian Agriculture, May 2003
Scott Pearson, Carl Gotsch, Sjaiful Bahri,Computer Tutorial for Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM), June 2003
