Effect of using different mixtures for period of (pre-starter mixture) on growth of digestive system ,absorption of yolk sac ,and some productive parameters of broiler

Abstract in English

The research was carried out on (960) broiler chicks of the hybrid Hibrd in the Poultry Unite of Kharabo–Agriculture Faculty–Damascus University, during 27/10/2003 and 23/12/2003. The chicks were distributed randomly since the first day of age into four experimental groups, every group contained 240 chicks distributed as four replicates, every replication contained 60 chicks, the area of the replication was 5.5m2 and the density was 11 chicks/m2. Every replication is an independent sector from byre is open type on deep litter, all conditions of keeping and caring were the same for all birds of replications. The purpose of research was to study of effect of using different levels of the energy and raw protein into mixtures of (pre-starter) since the first day until sixth day of age on absorption of yolk sac, growth of digestive system ,and some productive parameters of broiler. 48 chicks were dissected, the chicks were distributed as 16 chicks in the first day and 16 chicks in the fourth day and 16 chicks in the sixth day of age, from every group 4chicks were evaluated.

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