Study the chemical composition of chickpea and its products: effect of some processing treatments on nutritional value

Abstract in English

Ten samples of dry, cooked Chickpea, Homos with Tahina, and Falafel were randomly collected from different places in Damascus and urban side during 2003-2004 with an average weight of 200g for each sample. Chemical composition, amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals were determined to investigate the effect of cooking and frying on the nutritional value of chickpea products.

References used

AOAC. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists Washington. D. C
Frampton,V. L. 1975. Effects of processing on the nutritive quality of oilseed meals, in Nutrional Evaluation of Food Processing. 2 ed, Avi. Publishing West Port, Conn
Harris, R. S. and Karmas, E. 1975. Nutrional Evaluation of Food Processing. 2 ed, Avi 1. Publishing West Port, Conn
