Effect of High Temperature on Flower Development and Morphology in Carnation

Abstract in English

Carnation is one of the most important crop for cut flowers not only in Syria but all over the world. The producers in Syria and in other countries are suffering during the seasons of hot temperature from dwarfing of the plants and the production of small flowers. The work conducted here was to investigate the effect of high temperature on flower development and morphology.

References used

Abou Dahab, A.M (1967). Effect of light and temperature on growth and flowering of carnation. Meded. Land Hoogesch. Wageningen, 67 :1- 68
Al-Batal, N. (1983). Control of flowering in the glasshouse carnatin. Ph.D thesis. University of Reading, England
Asrar, A. (2001). Effects of initial water stress on water relations and vase life of cut carnation flowers. Alex. Sci. Exch. 22: 313- 322
