Influence of quality of work life on organizational citizenship behavior "A Field Study at the employees of "Damascus University
published by Aِl-Baath University
in 2017
and research's language is
Abstract in English
This study investigate the relationship between quality of work
life and organizational citizenship behavior among workers at
Damascus University, the study aims to identify impact of quality of
working life on the organizational citizenship behavior following
dimensions (altruism, sportsmanship, civic virtue, courtesy,
Conscientiousness) among workers at University of Damascus , the
most important results indicate that there is a significant moral effect
of quality of work life on behaviors (altruism, sportsmanship, civic
virtue, courtesy, Conscientiousness) among workers at University of
References used
Adhikari, D.R & Gautam, D.K. Labor legislations for improving quality of work life in Nepal. International Journal of Law and Management, 52(1), 2010, pp40-53