Feminisim's influence on society

Abstract in English

These few pages are here to show the real feminism, portraying different examples of women who dedicated their lives to make the world a safer, more developed, better place, showing their obstacles-filled path; In order for my generation to have the freedom to speak and act the way any human should. But first we must know why feminism is a thing, isn’t the natural state of humans equality, and any other state is a crime and a violation of humanity itself, clearly it isn’t today... So when and why did female oppression start? How valid is early misogynists’ logic is? Where are we today from the accusations of feminists’ immorality and/or blasphemy? Is feminism for women only or for the human race whole?

References used

De Beauvoir, Simone, The second sex, volume 1 part 2 chapter 1, translated by Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier, Vintage eBooks, Adapted.
Silverman, David P., Ancient Egypt, 1997, chapter 6: women in Egypt, Dr. Gay Robins. Adapted.
Cambridge dictionary, http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/feminism
Rampton, Martha , Pacific university, Oregon http://www.pacificu.edu/about-us/news-events/four-waves-feminism
