The Syrian Javelin Throwers The Release Speed And Its Relation To The Achievement Of

Abstract in English

The use of kinetic analysis adopted by the biomechanics is significant because it may help to detect the mistakes associated with performance by determining the variables values that represent performance specifications, or to identify and address the weaknesses, or to add more active means and aids to develop the performance. This study focuses on the javelin release speed variable and its relation to the achievement. The study applied on 5 Syrian javelin throwers of national team who participated in Arab and Asian championships. The study concluded that there issignificant correlation between the javelin release speed and the achievement. The study also concluded the low release speed of the javelin compared with international champions. The researcher recommended to give more attention to the development of the javelin release speed and to improve the relevantvariables, and not to adopt the random assessment in determining the reasons of the low level.

References used

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