Examining palladium extraction parametres using μ- imido di tio diphosphoric tetra ester

Abstract in English

Three organic phosphorous compounds containing bridge = P(S)-NH-P(S) = with , (PhO) , (Ph) acting noble metals and rare earth elements, and identified some of the chemical and physical properties (melting point, spectra UV , IR ) . Photometric method adopted to determine the concentrations, as it used the solution of 2-Nitroso, 1- Naphthol to determine the concentrations of palladium ion in the aqueous phase after extraction and its concentrations in the organic phase based on the difference between the concentrations of primitive prepared and the final concentrations. Distribution Ratio DPd was studied of the ion palladium between the aqueous medium of the acid solution of hydrochloric and central Organic Dilutions containing different concentrations of the previous prepared organo phosphorus compounds also was studied the Distribution Ratio DPd of ion palladium depending of changing of pH-values in aqueous medium and central organic Includes fixed concentration from the previous prepared organo phosphorus compounds and evaluated the distribution of information focus numerically and graphically .

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