Tectono-sesmic study of northern Palmyra Dryness of some wells justification

Abstract in English

Palmira chain is one of the most important structures in the Middle East. Structurally, It's divided into Northern and southern Palmyras, and between them AL- Daw basin lies. The importance of the Palmira chain is related to its way of forming, evaluating through the geologic time, and structures those containing oil and gas. Therefor this paper takes high importance, because the tectonic active of regional and local faults systems in the oil reservoirs. Thus we'll focus on the tectonic situation on the studied region structures, and its effect on the surface and subsurface rock lyres, using the seismic profiles data. In conclusion, We'll justificate the dryness of some drilled wells, and suggesting some directions to guide the future oil exploring.

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