Study of the Genetic Diversity of Some Pomegranate Types in Yemen using RAPD Analysis

Abstract in English

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to evaluate genetic diversity among 11 Yemeny pomegranate types. Samples were collected in 2004 from three main regions: east, middle and north of the country (Rada, Hada and Saada). PCR amplification of pomogranate DNA with 30 random primers generated 1013 bands, 118 of them were polymorphic 11.5%. Results showed that the genetic diversity within the tested types was limited. Similarity values ranged between 59 –96 % with a mean of 79 %. Statistical analysis showed that the types can be divided into two clusters: cluster 1 with Orkobi and Mellies types found in the Hada region; cluster 2 includes nine types belonging to the Saada and Radaa regions .High similarity (90–96%) was obtained with Khazemy, Liessy 1, Liessy 2, Taefi, Ahmer and Balady types. Whereas, some types could be considerd as separate cultivars due to their high genetic diversity such as, Orkoby and Mellies (Hada region) in addition to Bohssom, Sommaty and Liessy 3 in the Saada region.

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