Groundwater Flow Modeling “Lower Euphrates Valley”

Abstract in English

The provision of adequate drainage and the accompanying problem of accumulation of salt in soil have plagued irrigated agriculture for centuries. Soil salinity is one of the major problems in arid and semi-arid zones. In Euphrates valley the high groundwater level and its high evaporation rate caused a serious salinity problem. This study was aimed to allocate the dangerous areas in terms of high water level resulted from the recent and expected activities. Drainage wells will be drilled at these areas in order to lower the groundwater level and prevent further soil salinity.

References used

American Society of Testing and Material (ASTM) (1993). Standard Guide for Comparing Groundwater flow Model Simulation to Site-Specific Information; Designation: D 5490-93; USA
Anderson, M. P. & Woessner, W. W. (1992). Applied Groundwater Modelling; Academic Press, San Diego
Boonstra, J. & de Ridder, N. A. (1981). Numerical Modelling of Groundwater Basins; International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement ILRI, publication 29; The Netherlands
