First Report: Plant Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Peachs (Prunus persica) at Damascus and Hama Governorates, Syria

Abstract in English

A study was conducted to investigate the presence of root knot nematode (RKN) and other plant parasitic nematodes associated with Syrian most important peach plantation areas. 126 soil and root samples were taken from 63 peach orchards of Ghuta, Zabadani, Yabrod, Syrghaya and Kharabo at Damascus governorate, and Tezeen, Kufr Ton, Khattab, Arzeh, Sheha, Qamhaneh, Balhasen, Rastan, Mhardeh, Salmieh, Sqalbieh and Sharaya at Hama governorate.

References used

Al-Ahmed, M. (1987). The status of plant- parasitic nematodes in cereals and food and forage legumes in Syria. In: Nematodes Parasitic to Cereals and Legumes in Temperate Semi-Arid Regions. M. C. Saxena, R. A. Sikora and J. P. Srivastava (Editors). ICARDA-135
Barker, K., and C. Clayton. (1973). Nematodes attacking cultivars of peach in North Carolina. Journal of Nematology 5:265-271
Barker, K., J. Sasser and C. Carter. (1985). An Advanced Treatise on Meloidogyne. Vol. II: Methodology. North Carolina State University. USA. Pp. 223
