Study of the Most Important Morphological and Productivity Characters of the Inbreed Lines of Squash Cucurbita Pepo L.

Abstract in English

In this research, nine inbreed lines of squash (Cucurbita pepo, L) have been studied during 2007-2008 seasons. The study contains plant phonological phases, and the most important morphological and productivity characteristics related to fruit yield to evaluate the characteristics of every line and identify the economical lines to use it in the breeding programs. The study showed genetic variation between the groups for some important economic characteristics as (the number of fruits per plant, percentage of female flowers, yield per plant, stem long and number of nodes till the first female flower). The study also showed that the inbreed lines of squash is a rich source of variation and can be use in a breeding program to product squash hybrid. The results appeared also the positive correlation between the productivity and some important economic characteristics, such as percentage of female flowers (r=0.871**), the number of fruits per plant (r=0.976**). Whereas negative correlation with the nodes till he first female flower (r=- 0.494) and internodes long (r=- 0.447). Using cluster analysis, the inbreed lines were classified into 2 distinct classes A and B, Class A contained seven inbreed wreathe class B contained Tow inbreed lines.

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