Study of Some Chemical Properties of Terebinth Fruits and Extracted Oils

Abstract in English

Terebinth trees have been occupying a good part of the mount of Syrian (abed elaziz, pelass). The Pistacia atlantica fruit, rich in oil, is used by local inhabitants in many ways, few studies investigation of the P. atlantica fruit oil of Syria has been carried out,This study investigates the protein, ash, crude oil and oil composition of P. atlantica with respect to total phenol, iodine value and saponification value, in order to classify it among the other known edible oils thenafter compare the oil composition with the oils of other Pistacia species. The fruit of P.atlantica appears to be rich in oil. The major fatty acid in the sample studied are oleic, linoleic, our results show that. The oil has a higher content of unsaturated FA (oleic + linoleic = 72%). The oil can be classified as an oleo-linoleic vegetable oil. The biochemical data showed an elevated MUFA content (50-48%) which may constitute an important property against certain pathologies for its nutritional and preventive virtues.

References used

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