The Effect of Genetic Cross In Wheat To The Infestation With Khapra Beetle Trogoderma Granarium Everts

Abstract in English

In the present study, the susceptibility of four varities of wheat Maxipak 65, M221×M24, Saberbek and Condoras in addition to the hybrid F4 (from the hybridization of Maxipak-65 with M221×M24 for four successive generation) against khapra beetle during storage was estimated. The population growth of the pest and percentage loss due to pest infestation were taken as criteria for measuring resistance the against insect. The study indicate that the hybrid F4 was the best in productivity and early in production which are favorable characters but contrarily it was highest susceptibility toward the insect infestation. When the insect reared on the hybrid F4, appeared the highest population density and at the same time the infestation caused in the highest loss weight percentage. On the other hand the Maxipak-65 variety showed the lowest population density of the pest and the lowest loss weight percentage due to infestation than the other varieties and hybrid F4. This result indicates that resistant character depressed during inbreeding during F4 hybrid production in compared to parents therefore it must be early consumed to prevent the infestation by the insect studied.

References used

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