Biostratigraphical study of Middle Miocene deposits in Northern part of Al-Kapeer Al-Shemaly

Abstract in English

Middle Miocene deposits reveal the form of outcrops which are limited in area on the northern boards of the basin of AL-KABEER Al-Shemaly River. It is characterized by a large and fast changes in thickness and facies. This study focused on the results of careful Fossile analysis of 41 samples (hard and soft) which were taken from the three geological sections, through which the principal zones, which characterize middle Miocene, were confirmed depending on planktonic foraminifera. N9, -Orbulina suturalis-Globerotalia peripheroronda N10-N13-Globerotalia fohsi, Sphaaerodinellopsis subdehiscens- Globigrina drury , N14 – Globigerina nepenthes- Globerotalia siakensis. It was identified as benthic foraminifera, which has been characterized by its diversity and their increasing numbers in the northern boards of the Neogene basin and identify the lithology of these deposits consisting of alternations of limestone and limestone of medium hardness to very soft marl with different colors. This study also contributed to the detection of some paleogeographical development in the basin in that period of time.

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