Contribution in Issuing a new Guid to Determine Places for Offshore Wind Farms on the Syrian Coast

Abstract in English

The purpose of this research is issuing an Atlas of wind including study of all regions in the Syrian Arab Republic, especially the off shore and on shore areas within the territorial water to determine the economic returns for different sites all over the country where everyday could be invested in each one, and set perceptions and measurements in the Mediterranean about currents, waves and wind so as to choose the forms of offshore wind fans on the Syrian coast. Using of the Syrian territorial water and shore as a site to build wind farms is a way for facing the lack of available areas on land, staying away from the noise of towers fans rotation by this study, the sites which could be used for generating electrical energy were determined at the minimum speed in 4.5 m/sec, which is taken as an indicator to determine the sites depending on the measurements of wind speed and direction from the research centers in Cyprus and Greece.

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