Evaluation multi-measures of traffic performance for two- way, two- lane rural roads

Abstract in English

The rural roads are a large part of the existing roads network, particularly that consisting of two-lane. Evaluation of traffic performance for two-way, two-lane rural roads is complex process due to their characteristics. Many performance measures were introduced by many authors in many countries to fit the local conditions. This research presents an empirical evaluation of the relationship between operational performance and platooning phenomenon in rural two-lane roads in Tartous. Six performance measures and three platooning variables were defined and calculated for ten study sites using traffic data from rural roads in Ash-Shaykh Badr region of Tartous governorate. Using graphical and statistical analyses, the associations between the performance measures and the platooning variables were examined. The platooning variables investigated, traffic flow in the direction of travel has the highest correlations with performance measures. As the overall findings confirmed that the follower density is the most characterization of the relationship between traffic performance and platooning, which is suitable for the study of operational performance.

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