The experimentalstudyonanalysis of windage power lossesat the Gearbox

Abstract in English

The education of wasting energy by Windge in helical gears has achieved in high speed by testing a group of gears that made of beech in determined geometrical specifications. So a testing device is designed and developed to measure the Windge wasting energy in gears. This device is consists of electrical driver (3kw) that turning a pivot that leaned on two rolling carrier across a friction wheel. This indented friction wheel is ride in the end of pivot, while the other free end is supplied with electromagnetic sensor to measure the turning speed as a function of time across a control board. The Windge wasting energy is determined by minus the wasting energy that resulting from turning the pivot alone, from that resulting from turning the whole system (pivot-gear). After doing the tests and experiments, the patterns of the losing (theoretical losses, practical losses) is draw. Then a comparative between the theoretical losses and that has gotten from testing device.

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