Studying of the ideal thermal exchanger calculation in the thermal systems

Abstract in English

The thermal exchangers are widely used in the power generating stations and many refrigeration systems. Activity in the thermal cycle depends on its design and real calculations. The aim of our present work, is to find an ideal calculation method of the working exchangers parameters and evaluating the used technical engineering soluting. We discussed the ideal chosen problems and the affecting parameters, and used a calculating design for a thermal exchanger in the heating and feeding with hot water, considering these parameters. The proposed designing benefit, could be evaluated from the final indication that could be expressed by real palpable material. We found that the ideal parameters choosing could clearly descrese the preparation costs the heat exchanger blank – form by three times and give full clear proposed calculation method of all the parameters and its exchanging. This could save of the best exchanging possibility chosen from the different exchanger.

References used

TAYLAR J. S. "A statistical Theory of depreciation" – The Journal of The American Statistical Association, 1973, December
