The Reality of Syrian Islamic Banks and The Current Crisis Effects ( 2011 to 2014)

Abstract in English

This research handles one of the most important and contemporary subjects. It is the status of Islamic banks, which proved a significant presence since its earliest beginning, through increasing growth in market share, high performance and amount of banking businesses, and multiple methods of Islamic funding. This research focuses on studying the conditions of Islamic banks in general, in terms of offering its concept, principles of founders, and the practical application of these principles in bank business, then examining the conditions of Islamic banks in the Syrian Arab Republic in spite of its newness and the crisis the area is going through. This would be done through displaying its origin, development, the performance of banks operations in it, and knowing if these banks are committed to the principles of founders ,then monitoring the crisis’ effects in the area since 2011 on the performance of these banks (Financial resources - Funding- Profits) through analyzing its financial statements and knowing the truthfulness of these positive data mentioned in these statements specially the highest profits. The study also attempts to offer some suggestions to face the effects of the crisis and straighten the work of these banks. The most important search results is that the conditions of Islamic banks in general and Syrian Islamic banks in particular did not match the principles of founders , financial resources employment ratios were low despite the rise of resources and funds , and the profits made by Syrian Islamic banks during this crisis are not real profits.

References used

د.الزحيلي, وهبة. المعاملات المالية المعاصرة, دار الفكر سورية, دمشق, 2002, ص122.
التقرير السنوي لمصرف الشام الإسلامي.
