Effect of deep breathing exercises on postoperative pain management in orthopedic patients in University Alassad Hospital

Abstract in English

- Introduction: Postoperative pain is an important factor which exerts several physical effects in the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and urinary systems. In addition, psychologic effects that cause stress and anxiety. - Aim: This study aimed to examine the effect of breathing exercises on relieving postoperative pain in orthopedic patients. - Method: This study carried at Universal Alassad Hospital in Latakia, on a sample of 60 patients who underwent orthopedic surgery between March 2015 and June 2015, aged between 18-70 years. The sample was divided to two equal groups: control group (30) that has been left to hospital routine, and study group (30) that has been applied deep breathing exercises for 3 days after surgery as 3 times, each breathing exercise session took 5-10 minutes, then patients’ pain levelsin two group was assessed by verbal and visual pain scale.

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