A Cross-Sectional Study on the Knowledge and Prevention of Hepatitis B infection among dentists in Lattakia

Abstract in English

Aim: Hepatitis B is a dangerous infection disease which can transmit occupational through dental practice. This study was planned to evaluate the knowledge regarding hepatitis B infection among dentists in Lattakia city. Materials and methods: an Hepatitis B questionnaire was prepeared, includes information about Hepatitis B infected, transmission, prevention and vaccination. The questionnaire was distributed randomaly through dentists, Data were collected and statistical analysis were conducted. Results: the response rate was (63%), and the dentists level of education regarding hepatitis B was only (57%). On the other hand the specialist dentists level was better than non-specialist dentists (P<0,05). Whereas the male and female level of education was the same (P>0,05). Finally (70%) of responders dentists have completed the hepatitis B vaccination. Conclusion: under the conditions of this study, the dentists level education regarding hepatitis B infection is low, so there is a need to promote about hepatitis B among dentists. HBV immunization should be made mandatory for health care workers.

References used

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