The relationship between the kind of facial growth and the Bony Support around the apexes of upper central incisors using ct scan

Abstract in English

The research aim for testing the correlations between the morphology of the bone around the apexes of the central incisors and facial type.the sample consist of 59 patient.They were divided into three groups according to their facial Type.the result is three groups ,19 short face type, 20 norm face type, and 20 long face type patients, aged 19 to 40 years.we have measured many measurement that determine the relationship between the apex of central upper incisor and its surroundings. The measurements were processed using analysis of variance Anova and Mann-Whitney U-tests and (Correlation coefficient )r .We find that at the upper central incisors, In short face type subjects the root apex of the upper central incisors was farther away from the lingual cortex than in the norm face type and long face type. In long face type subjects the root apex of the upper incisors was farther away from the palatal plane than in the norm face type and long face type.

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