The importance of serum erythropoietin measurement before the Treatment of anemia with Recombinant Human Erythropoietin in Cancer Patients in Lattakia city

Abstract in English

we delivered 8,000 IU epoetin three times per week to 30 anemic cancer patients for two months.we measured serum erythropoietin level before the initiation of the treatment.Hemoglobin concentration and other hematological parameters were measured during the treatment. 53% of patients responded to the treatment within 8 weeks. 71% of patients with serum erythropoietin < 100 U/L responded, whereas 27% with values > 100 U/L did.80% of patients with hematological malignancies responded, whereas 39% of patients with solid tumors did .Reticulocyte increment after two weeks in responder patients was higher than non responders.response rate was higher in patients with Hb increment > 0.5 g/dL after 2 weeks ( 83% versus 31% ), and in those with Hb increment > 1 g/dL after 4 weeks ( 93% versus 14% ). response to erythropoietin can be predicted by pretreatment serum erythropoietin level together with early changes in other hematological parameters.

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