Challenges of Application of Educational Quality Standards at Higher Education (HE) According to Teaching Staff Members' Opinion : Tishreen University (TU) - as a sample

Abstract in English

The research aimed to identify the challenges that hinder the application of educational quality standards - adopted by Arab University Union Council - at HE according to teaching staff members at TU. The sample included (431) teaching staff members from different faculties and higher institutes at TU. To fulfill this research goal, a questionnaire was set to contain (39) paragraphs distributed on (5) axis : teaching staff members, academic programs, teaching methods and learning resources, university books, academic research, assessment and university ethics. The results showed that the most important challenges at the level of each axis were as follows: Faculty Members Axis: the lack of stimulus for faculty excellence in teaching academic research. Academic Programs Axis: the absence of periodic studies to make sure of the proportionality among the various programs in place at the university with the vision, mission, and objectives of the university, as well as colleges or affiliated higher institutes. Teaching Methods and Learning Resources Axis: the lack of research on the assessment of teaching methods and teaching aids used for the process. University Book Axis: the absence of a good design for the university book in terms of shape, printing, paper, graphics, and others. Academic Research Axis: the lack of research, publication and development support.

References used

COUCH, C. A measurement of TQM in Selected North Carolina. Community College,1999
شبل. بدران. سياسة التعليم في الوطن العربي. دار المعرفة الجامعية، الإسكندرية. 1992.
