A Cross-Sectional Study on the Knowledge selection, usage, sterilization and Disposal of Dental Burs among dental Professionals in syrian coast

Abstract in English

The Aim: To evaluate practioner’s knowledge on dental bur selection, its usage, sterilization procedures undertaken and the method of disposal of dental burs. Materials and Methods: A Questionnaire Performa was prepared about dental burs how to use ,sterilized and disposed of them. in addition to information about doctors to determine the relationship between scientific information of doctors with their experience and Specialty. questionnaire was distributed on a group of dentists in the Syrian coast were chosen at random( N = 100) and during the period of almost two months only ,and then the answers analyzed statistically. Results: The response rate was 76%. However, the results of the current study showed that there was no difference between specialists and non-specialists in the level of information available about the burs and use it, as there was no difference between males and females in the level of information On the other hand, the result showed an inverse relationship between age and the level of information (P˂0.05). only 52% of the dentists were able to determine the appropriate composite finishing bur. Conclusion: The level of the information of dentists in the Syrian coast was considered acceptable Nevertheless, there is an urgent need to increase the wright information of dentists around the burs and their use and also their sterilize.

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