The Effectivness Of Treatement Of Infantile Spasm With Oral Vit B6 In Comparison With Prednisolon

Abstract in English

Objective:Infantile spasm is one of the most epileptic syndromes in infant which respond poorly to most anticonvulsants, and the importance of research attempting to provide effective treatment and has a few side effects compared to other therapies used in the treatment (cortisone, ACTH, and other anti-convulsants). Materials&Methods:The study included 37 patients with infantile spasm, 5 patients were excluded. The other 32 patients were divided in two groups randomly each group 16 patients, first group were treated with vitamin B 6, the second were treated with prednisolone and patients were also divided to groups according to their ages older than one year and younger than one year, patients were followed for six months where it has made observations within two weeks of treatment.

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