Belonging to the place in the introduction of the Omayyad poem

Abstract in English

This research studies the idea of belonging to the place in the introduction of the Omayyad poem . Belonging is a relation that involves emergence and intermingling between the poet and the place . This denotes the special presence in the poet's self according to its different dimensions . The relation of belonging has different aspect and images in the Omayyad poetry , some of which the introductions of the poems that have been , the embodiment of the poet's experiences such as hope, departure and the obssession of returning , etc. because the special belonging is not only a natural one but it is also a social one with its values , customs and traditions . Individuals and the place the interact with it form one unity which the poet belongs to and feels safety , protection and intimacy in it .

References used

ابن قيس الرقيّات، عبيد الله. الديوان. تحقيق وشرح محمد يوسف نجم. بيروت: دار صادر.
الأصفهاني، أبو الفرج. الأغاني. بيروت: دار إحياء التراث العربي، 1976 م.
