Economic Efficiency of Orange Production in Syria

Abstract in English

Analyze the economic efficiency of Orange production in Syria, determining and understanding the factors affecting productivity. A 380-farmer random sample producing villages in both Latakia and Tartous provinces was used to according to the contribution of each province to total country production. Results showed that, farmers have gained positive profits' averaged at 1.1 sp/kg, with total economic efficiency 1.1.

References used

(K.P.Kalirajan and R.T.Shand. 1999. Frontier Production Functions and Technical Efficiency Measures. The Australian National University. Journal of Economic Surveys. 13 (2
Food and agriculture organization (FAO), 2005. World Trade Data Base- Website
National Agricultural Policy Centre (NAPC), 2006. The Citrus Sub-Sector: Analysis and Policy Options. Damascus, Syria
