Genetic analysis of yield and its components in hybrids of sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharat)

Abstract in English

This research was carried out at the Maize Researches Department of General Commission of Science Agriculture Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria, During the growing season 2010 to study general and specific combining ability and the behavior of the inheritance of plant height, ear height, yield per unit area, ear length and ear diameter in sweet corn by the use of half diallel crosses of five selected sweet corn inbred lines (IL.1037-08) P1, (IL.1062-08) P2, (IL.1049-08) P3, (IL.209-08) P4 and (IL.1065-08) P5

References used

Falconer, D. S. (1981). Introduction to quantitative genetics. The Ronald press company. New York. P. 281– 286
Glover, M.; D. Willmot.; L. Darrah.; B. Hibbard and X. Zhu. (2005). Diallel Analysis of agronomic traits using Chines and U.S. maize germplasm. Crop Sci., 45(3): 1096-1102
Griffing, B. (1956). Concept of general and specific combining ability in relation to diallel crossing systems. Aust. J. of Boil. Sci. 9 463 – 493
