Perceptions of Classroom Teachers and Parents of the First Three Grade Students Toward home assignments

Abstract in English

This study aimed at determining the perceptions of classroom teachers and parents of the first three grade students toward their home assignments. Fifty one of the classroom teachers and nine hundred forty nine of the parents of first three grade students were included as a sample of the study. The questionnaire was used for both classroom teachers and parents. Results revealed that the Teachers and parents agreed on the importance of home assignment, but they disagreed about the kinds of assignments, and the obstacles that hinder home work objectives. The study recommends that classroom teachers and parents should give more attention to the importance of homework in student's daily life. Teachers and parents are advised to use homework as a mechanism for organizing the student time as well as to teach students how to depend on themselves.

References used

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Children's homework: An intervention in the middle grades. Family Relations, 47, 149-57
