Standard Kindergarten Students Ability to Understand the Elementary First-grade Courses (An Experimental Comparative study at Damascus and Homs kindergartens)

Abstract in English

This study aimed to identify the level of the efficiency of understanding the curriculum of five-year kindergarteners of the first grade class of the elementary education in both Damascus, and Homs cities for the 2004-2005 term. To achieve this goal, we had to calculate the students reading, writing, and mathematics scores as a total of 1364; where, 516 were kindergarten students, and the other 848 were first grade students. Also we had 217 kindergarten students to take the first grade level test of each of reading, writing, and mathematics.

References used

حقائق عن ألمانيا ( 2003 )، منشورات وزارة الخارجية الألمانية.
حمصي، أنطون ( 1991 )، أصول البحث في علم النفس. مطبعة الاتحاد- منشورات جامعة دمشق.
الزرار، فيصل محمد خير و يحيى، علي محمد ( 1988 )، الإحصاء النفسي والتربوي. دار القلم للنشر والتوزيع- دبي.
