Lung Volume Reduction for Lung Emphysema

Abstract in English

This study presents our experince in lung volume reductionby surgery. Patients and Methodls : ٢٠ patients underwent lung volume reduction during the period from ١٩٩٧-٢٠٠٠, There were ١٥ men and ٥ women ranging in age from ٢٢-٧٢ years. Chronic obstructive diffuse emphysema was found in ٨ patients, bollous emphysema in ١٢, of them ٤ with unilateral involvement, high oxygen dependency ٢ patients, steroid use ١ , ٨ patients were operated on using thoracoscopic surgery, ١٠through unilateral thoracotomy and ٢ through median sternotomy, Operation included excision of ٢٠٪-٣٠٪of the volume of each lung with the use of linear stapling. Results: There has been ٥٪ perioperatve mortality, and the most common complication was air leaking (٧ patients). Conclusion : Lung volume reduction may be of significant value for selected patients with lung emphysema especially younger patients with diffuse emphysema, bollous emphysema, unilateral disease and combined emphysema with surgical lung disease as hydatid cyst or tumors.

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