Genetic diversity in some genotypes of cultivated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) using ISSR

Abstract in English

The research was carried out in the biotechnology Laboratory at the Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University, in cooperation with the General Commission For Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), during the year 2012. Eleven genotypes of cultivated chickpea were planted to determine their genetic diversity and the degree of genetic similarity using the ISSR technique. 16 primers were used for this purpose. Results indicated that Nine primers proved their effectiveness in showing polymorphism among the genotypes examined and the primers gave a total of 91 alleles with a polymorphic percentage of 93.4%. The number of bands for each primer varied from a minimum of 2 bands for the primers ISSR7-ISSR13 to a maximum of 16 bands for the primer ISSR11, with an average of 9.1 bands per a primer. The results also showed that the degree of genetic similarity ranged between 46 and 78%, where the highest was 78% between the genotypes of Afghanistan – Morocco, then 77% between the genotypes Tunisia-Afghanistan and Tunisia- Iran and followed by Spain- Iran and Spain- Pakistan (50%) and the lowest was 46% between genotypes Afghanistan- Pakistan.

References used

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