Relationship between Human Usage of Antibiotics and Bacterial Resistance (Lattakia as a case)

Abstract in English

20 antibiotics were monitored for their sales for six months, through official prescriptions in six drug stores throughout Lattakia. Percent proportions of sale for each antibiotic were reported. These statistical data were correlated with laboratory studies on screening these antibiotics on different bacterial strains that collected from different laboratories and hospitals of Lattakia. The purpose of this continuous study is to undertake an assessment of levels of antibiotic resistance by local isolated bacteria, and to determine the factors influencing the offspring of that resistance. 1430 medical prescriptions were reported, 965 of them (i.e.: 67, 48%) contained one or more antibiotic. In addition, there were 340 cases of nonofficial sales of some distinct antibiotics. 275 of bacterial strains were isolated from clinical specimens (mostly were as urogenital, pharyngeal, wounds, and burns infections). These strains distributed as follow: 183 (i.e.: 66, 54%), were Enterobacteriaceae strains.

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