Iranian - Turkish relations after the Cold War Dialectic cooperation - competition

Abstract in English

The study addressed the Iranian – Turkish relations after the cold war and focused on the most important interactions and trans formations takin, place between the two states in light of the international, regional and internal developments. The study also analyzed the dialectic cooperation-competition which takes control of the track of Iranian-Turkish relationship since the end of the cold war as it identified the cooperation and competition factors between the two states in the three environments (internal, regional and international). The study found that the Iranian – Turkish relations have directly been affected by the end of the cold war when the collapse of the Soviet Union led to building up the regional role and political influence of the two states in the Middle East and central Asia in an effort to get the major regional power status in the regional system. The study found that the Iranian – Turkish relations have directly been affected by the end of the cold war when the collapse of the Soviet Union led to building up the regional role and political influence of the two states in the Middle East and central Asia in an effort to get the major regional power status in the regional system.

References used

Gareth H. Jenkins "Occasional Allies enduring rivals: Turkey's relations with Iran". Silk road paper, central asia Caucasus institute, silk road studies. Program, May2012, p. 22
Michael M. Gunter, "Turkey and Iran face off in Kurdistan" Middle East Quarterly, March 1998, pp. 33-40
