Analysis of seed and flower oil of Melia azedaracht L. and the evaluation efficacy in inhibition of growth some fungi on artificial media

Abstract in English

The investigation was carried out during 2011-2012 at the laboratories of Plant Protection Dep., Faculty of Agriculture, and Chemistry Dep., Damascus University. The fatty acid composition in the seed and flower of Chinaberry (Melia azedaracht L.) was studied by Gas Chromatography. Results showed that four fatty acids with different rate in seed and flowers of Chinaberry. The ratio of unsaturated fatty acid was highly in dry and fresh seed oil and reached 88.66% and 85.43%, respectively. Where the percentage of linoleic acid was higher than oleic acid. The percentage of saturated fatty acids was highly in oil flowers (39.97%), where the ratio of stearic acid was the highest followed by palmitic acid. Tthe efficacy of oil extract of dry, fresh seed and flowers Chinaberry for suppressing the growth of the fungi, Penicillium digitatum and Botrytis cinerea on artificial media in comparison with standard fungicides, benomyl and procymidone under laboratory condition was also evaluated.

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