Effect of Nd-YAG laser Pumping Power on Output Pulse Characteristics of Blue Ti-Sapphire Laser
published by Damascus University
in 2009
and research's language is
Abstract in English
sapphire oscillator in order to generate a single wavelength at 780 nm.
The model offers a simple mechanism to investigate the impact of the
variations of the input parameters (maximum amplification coefficient,
pumping rate, loss coefficient, and pumping density) on the output pulse
characteristics (delay time, pulse width, pulse build up time, duration and
peaks maxima of the Nd3+ -YAG pumping laser). Moreover, this model allows
studying the gain-switched Ti:sapphire output characteristics as being pumped
by the second harmonic wavelength (532nm).
Numerical results showed that the maxima of the output photon density,
pulse width, delay time, and pulse duration are very much dependent on the
power variations of the pumping source.
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