The importance of saving Built spaces in the regional envirnmental concepts

Abstract in English

The aim is to create rules to be followed by architects for economical compund building designs. This aim is to be achieved by confirming economy houses pattern within new environmental planning and joining them to Islamic concepts, and confirming the concept of economy in internal Spaces, through a comparison between new houses and traditional ones.

References used

م. عبد الله علي ثروت (المسكن الاقتصادي) ، مجلة البناء، العدد 120 ، ربيع الثاني 1421
ناديا محمد بصير-(أسس اختيار مواد البناء البيئية)-بحث بمؤتمر مواد البناء العربية والتحديات الاقتصادية-القاهرة ( 2000 )
