Epedemiology of Hepatitis in Children at the Children Hospital of Damascus University

Abstract in English

The aim of this study is to evaluate the epidemiology of viral hepatitis in children in Damascus University children hospital. A retrospective study on (259) cases of viral hepatitis admitted to hospital within 4 yrs from the beginning of 2000 to the end of 2003. The number of hepatitis A virus cases was (112) cases with an average of 2.9/ 1000 of admissions yearly. More than a half of cases were between 1-5 years of age. The most common symptoms and signs were jaundice, fever and hepatomegaly. About 76% of cases were cured or improved, 21.4% of them were died. For hepatitis B virus the number of cases was (42) cases with an average of 1.08/ 1000 of admissions yearly.

References used

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