The images of natural setting in the Umayyad poetry

Abstract in English

This research aims at handling the images of natural setting manifested in the Umayyad poetry , especially those reflected throughout the political and social changes of that era, leaving an obvious effect on the poet himself and subsequently on his creative production and formation of the natural setting . For the poet would take his material out of the static realities of the natural setting, being the setting that has remained intact out of man's hand and formation – which includes deserts , mountains , scenery and rivers … etc – The poet then modefies an image of the natural setting using his imagination in accordance to his sights and mentality .

References used

ابن منظور، أبو الفضل جمال الدين محمد بن مكرم، لسان العرب، دار صادر، بيروت، الطبعة الأولى، 2000
إسماعيل، عزّ الدين ، التفسير النفسيّ للأدب، دار العودة،دار الثقافة, بيروت, 278.
