A study on the Spread of Delta Hepatitis among Patients with positive Australian Factor and its Influence on the Development of Hepatitis Infection

Abstract in English

This study has been done according to the immune –enzymology (ELISA) to find out the serological test of Delta hepatitis virus and serological test of B Viral hepatitis in 311 positive specimen of HBsAg. The Finding was as follows: 33 specimens (10.6 %) confirm the existence of anti – HD. As for HBV and HBD infection, six cases (18.18 %) of them were Coinfection and one case (3.03%) was severing coinfection and its early stage because of the existence of viral multiplication of the HBV (Ag HBe+). The rest of the cases 27 (18.81%) were Sur-infection among which two cases (6.06%) were accompanied by viral multiplication of Ag HBe+ of the HBV.

References used

Claude Eugene,hepatite delta, Les hepatitis virales, Masson,Paris 2000,183-187
Patrick Marccellin,Jean-Pierre Zarski, Jacques Lefrere,les virus des hepatitis B et Delta ,les virus transmissibles par le sang, Jean-, John Libbey Euro text,ISBN 1996,53-76
http://www.hpnet.com/hepdfr/pag.htm, les hepatitis virales, Jean-Pierre Villeneuve, MD, 1998
