Identification of Leuconostoc bacteria isolated from white cheese using FTIR technique

Abstract in English

This study aimed to investigate the possibility of rapid identification of isolated bacteria Leuconostoc from Syrian white fresh cheese made of cow and ewe milk using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). 20 isolates (14 from ewe milk cheese and 6 from cow milk cheese) were isolated. These isolates were pretasted with PCR technique using specific primers. Results indicated that these isolates are belonged to the genus Leuconostoc and 12 of them are belonged to Ln. mesenteroides species. The results of FTIR technique showed in comparison to device library that all isolates are belonged to genus Leuconostoc, and 4 of these isolates are belonged to Ln. citreum species which could not be identified using PCR method (with the used primers), and helped to identify the following subspecies: Ln.mesenteroides subsp mesenteroides and Ln. mesenteroides subsp dextranicum while PCR technique described them belonging only to a Ln. mesenteroides species. Moreover, FTIR technique was able to give the results within 25 hours, thus it can be used in identification of food bacteria more quickly.

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