Biostrafigraphy of the Marine Neogene in the Salquine Area (NW Syria)

Abstract in English

The lithologic and palaeontologic study of the marine Neogene in Salquine area (NW Of Syria) gave new data which allowed the distinguishing of a number of lithostratigraphic units and the determination of their ages. This led to precise lithostratigraphic correlations between the studied area and the neighboring areas, and finally a clear knowledge of the geological evolution of the area during the Neogene. The stratigraphic distribution of the planktonic foraminifera in the area showed a perfect agreement with what is known during the Tethys Neogene. The comparison with the neighboring areas led to the discovery of an important stratigraphic lacuna in Salquine area during salinity period of the Upper Miocene of the Mediterranean region.

References used

Dubertret, L. (1937). Sur le Pliocene marin des environs d'Antioche (Syrie). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris
Dubertret, L. (1966). Liban, Syrie et bordure des pays voisins. Notes et Mem. Moyen-Orient, 8, p. 251-358
Dubertret, L., Vautrin H., Keller, A. (1937). La stratigraphie du Pliocene et du Quaternaire marins de la cote libano-syrienne; Notes et Mem. Syrie et Liban, 2
