Description Of Spores Of Some Syrian Mosses By Using Scanning Electron Microscope

Abstract in English

This research is the first descriptive and classifiable study of the Syrian spores of mosses in Syria and Arab world by using the technique of scanning electron microscope. Samples have been collected from several areas from Syria and their names have been defined and classified earlier. The study of nine Spieces of Spores have been completed and their shapes, different faces and the shapes of redundant which they carry and their distribution by scanning electron Microscope are done in Jena University, Germany. Their sizes have been measured and viewed in several sizes. It has been noticed clear differences in Spores, in the Shape of concavity of the frost face and in existence and relation of denseness and distribution of redundant on the faces. So, The characters of Spores can be added to other standards which are used in Classification of mosses.

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